CONNECTION designations such as PIN, FIX, TRANSVERSE and FREE are used to describe connections at abutments, bents and hinges. Multiple column bents, which may be offset with respect to the bridge centerline, are easily described using WinSEISAB column layout capabilities. Supports may be directed normal (perpendicular or radial) or skewed with respect to the bridge centerline. SUPPORTS are easily described using the ABUTMENT and BENT information panels. Non-prismatic spans are modeled as a series of prismatic segments and additional span weight can be specified on a segment basis. Predefined cross section and material properties can be specified to take advantage of repetitive occurrences.

SPAN data is used to describe the superstructure configuration and cross section and material properties. Multiple reversed curves and broken alignments are permitted in WinSEISAB. The bridge centerline may be offset from the layout line. The coordinates are generated along the bridge superstructure centerline from the specified layout line. HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT of the roadway layout line is easily described using information which generally appears on the bridge general plan. In addition, to simplify the input process for a response analysis, numerous default values are assumed to minimize required user input data. MODEL GENERATION is included in WinSEISAB to eliminate user specification of the numerous nodal points required to model the dynamic characteristics of a bridge subjected to earthquake ground motions. The program capabilities include the analysis procedures specified in the 1996 AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges Division I-A Seismic Design.

WinSEISAB analyzes bridge structures to determine the seismic demand placed on various bridge components. WinSEISAB is an analysis tool that allows the bridge engineer to keep pace with developments in seismic design of bridges.