Only a minimum installation (Cary System + Scan application) is needed.
Agilent's WinUV is required for Cary operation.
Nicolet is supported via commands sent to OMNIC software.
Click here for information about Ocean Optics.
Spectrum Express users are advised to update to Spectrum 10.
Click here for information about PE Spectrum FTIR.
Since Scantraq can change scan range, only a few Setup Files are required in practice. The name of the setup file is subsequently specified in Scantraq.
Perkin-Elmer's Spectrum software (32-bit Windows) is required for legacy GX (2000) initialization and setup.
While application software supplied by spectrophotometermanufacturers is not run during Scantraq operation, there are cases wheremanufacturer's driver software and FTG servers are utilized: Scan methods areedited in Scantraq and uploaded as required.