Contact Information ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd. Modbus is a registered trademark of Modicon. HyperTerminal is a registered trademark of Hilgraeve. Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. All trademarks used in association with B-PRO, B-PRO Multi Busbar, Multi Busbar Protection, F-PRO, itmu, L-PRO, ProLogic, S-PRO, T-PRO, TESLA, I/O Expansion Module, TESLA Control Panel, Relay Control Panel, RecordGraph and RecordBase are trademarks of ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd. While all information presented is believed to be reliable and in accordance with accepted engineering practices, ERLPhase makes no warranties as to the completeness of the information. ERLPhase assumes no liability for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising from the use of this documentation. Users should evaluate the information in the context of the complete set of product documentation and their particular applications. This manual is part of a complete set of product documentation that includes detailed drawings and operation. Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd. Save Data Automatically: Tripmode 2.2.1 L-PRO 4000 Transmission Line Protection Relay User Manual Version 2.5 Rev 1ģ Preface Information in this document is subject to change without notice ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd. Only apps that you’ve selected are allowed to access the Internet when TripMode is ON.

It helps you to manipulate your traffic and cellular data payments. Tripmode handiest permits internet get entry to to apps crucial to you. It automatically reduces your laptop data.

With TripMode 2 for Mac, you tottaly control you Mac, you can choose which apps are allowed to access the Internet, and see the data used per app, session, day & month. This Mac App can help your Mac stops updates & other background processes from downloading data without your permission.It helps you control your traffic and mobile data bills. Only allows Internet access to important applications. TripMode is automatically activated when your Mac is connected to a wireless access point. TripMode automatically reduces your mobile data consumption when you use a mobile hotspot